Michael Wychers


Project Manager

Grand Rapids, MI


  • Master of Architecture, North Carolina State University
  • Bachelor of Architecture, Lawrence Technological University


  • Licensed Architect
  • LEED Accredited Professional


  • Master of Architecture, North Carolina State University
  • Bachelor of Architecture, Lawrence Technological University


  • Licensed Architect
  • LEED Accredited Professional

Michael is an architect and project manager with over 20 years of industry experience designing various types of housing, university buildings, and high-performance corporate facilities. Michael’s dedication to an integrated and collaborative approach across all disciplines results in projects that are client-focused and exceed expectations. As a project manager he builds trust with his clients and ensures open communication and engagement throughout design and construction. Many of Michael’s projects, including new construction, historic renovation, and adaptive-reuse, give him an extensive knowledge base across many building types.

“There are many hands touching a project beginning at the earliest stages of design, so establishing a clear process and design methodology is critical to accurately reflect the vision of the client and maintain a high level of design quality,” says Michael.

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