Daniel Dunston


Senior Landscape Architect


  • Master of Landscape Architecture, Morgan State University
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


  • Licensed Landscape Architect


  • Master of Landscape Architecture, Morgan State University
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


  • Licensed Landscape Architect

Dan is an experienced Landscape Architect with 20 years in the field. His design background includes public parks, resort planning, urban design, and mixed-use master planning. Over the course of his career, Dan has led the collaborative efforts of conceptualization design, and implementation of award-winning public and private projects in the US and throughout the world--creating spaces that will positively impact people and the environment for generations to come.

“The strength and success of every design depends on how closely we listen to and implement the will of the community,” says Dan.

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